The ACEN requires accredited programs to submit different reports between scheduled accreditation reviews in accordance with ACEN policies and Board of Commissioners' Decisions.
Reference the Program Guidelines for writing the following reports:
The Self-Study Report provides a written summary and description of the program’s compliance with all Standards and Criteria. The Self-Study Report is required to initiate the peer review process and provides peer evaluators with an overview of the program as well as the program’s assessment of its compliance with the Standards and Criteria in preparation for the onsite review.
When the ACEN Board of Commissioners determines that a nursing program is non-compliant with one or more Accreditation Standards, the ACEN Board of Commissioners may grant a nursing program continuing accreditation with conditions, warning, or good cause for up to the maximum monitoring period for the program type.
The Focused Visit Report (FVR) is written and submitted in preparation for a focused visit authorized by the ACEN Board of Commissioners (BOC) in response to a substantive change within the program (Refer to ACEN Policy #19).
A substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of a nursing program and/or nursing education.
The purpose of Policy #14 Reporting Substantive Changes is to keep the ACEN informed of changes in the program or governing organization between accreditation visits.
For programs planning an initial site visit, please contact the Candidacy mentor for scheduling details.
For Focused Visits, submit the Site Visit Request Form upon notification that a Focused Visit is required.
The purpose of the ACEN Annual Report is to provide a mechanism to monitor components essential to the maintenance of a quality educational program and to facilitate the generation and reporting of trended aggregate data concerning nursing education. All programs accredited by the ACEN are required to complete the ACEN Annual Report.
For more information and resources, visit the ACEN Resource Center.