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October 1, 2024

Nominate someone for the 2025-2026 Board of Commissioners and Nominating Committee Elections

DECEMBER 2, 2024 - UPDATE: Nominations for the 2025-2026 ACEN Elections are now closed.
Dr. Nell Ard, Chief Accreditation Officer, ACEN, presenting in Jones Hall of the Troy University College of Health and Sciences.

DECEMBER 2, 2024 - UPDATE: Nominations for the 2025-2026 ACEN Elections are now closed.


The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) is seeking nominations for six Commissioners for the ACEN Board of Commissioners and two members for the ACEN Nominating Committee. The ACEN values the perspectives of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences and seeks to include the broadest range of perspectives within the composition of the Board of Commissioners and the Nominating Committee. Secondary to an increase in the number of accredited programs and ACEN’s commitment to ensuring representation across all program types, two positions have been revised to hybrid (associate/practical and baccalaureate/master’s), therefore the nominees for those positions must represent both program types.

ACEN Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is the governing board for the ACEN, which oversees the business, property and funds of the Corporation. The majority of the Commissioners’ time and effort is related to reviewing nursing programs seeking initial or continuing accreditation with the ACEN.

  1. One nurse educator for a four-year term representing associate nursing programs
  2. One nurse educator for a four-year term representing associate/practical nursing programs
  3. One nurse educator for a four-year term representing baccalaureate/master’s nursing programs
  4. One nurse educator for a four-year term representing diploma nursing programs
  5. One nurse clinician/practitioner for a four-year term representing nursing service
  6. One member of the public for a four-year term

See ACEN Policy #2 Representation on Site Visit Teams, Evaluation Review Panels, and the Board of Commissioners for eligibility information to serve as a nurse educator, nursing clinician/practitioner, or member of the public.

See ACEN Policy #1 Conflicts of Interest.

See ACEN Bylaws and Board Profile for role and responsibilities of Commissioners.

ACEN Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee prepares the slate of candidates for the ACEN Board of Commissioners from the nominations made. See ACEN Policy #1 Conflicts of Interest.

  1. Two nurse educators, nursing clinicians/practitioners, or members of the public for a four-year term

Nomination Process for Board of Commissioners and Nominating Committee

We encourage you to nominate a colleague or yourself for one of these important leadership positions. Nominations are due to ACEN by December 1, 2024. We hope you will consider serving in one of these essential leadership roles in support of nursing education programs.